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All Daisy endpoints need to be prefixed with this base URL

The Daisy API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.


To authorize any request, use this code:

curl "[ENDPOINT]"
  -H "Daisy-Secret-Key: {YOUR_SECRET_KEY}"

Make sure to replace {YOUR_SECRET_KEY} with your secret key.

In order to perform operations on Daisy API, you need to send your secret key as Daisy-Secret-Key header. You can find your secret key under your application's dashboard in the Basic configuration section.

Daisy API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server as a header in the following format :

Daisy-Secret-Key: {YOUR_SECRET_KEY}


The Order object


id string The order identifier
reference string The order reference which is given by the merchant
status string The order status. it can have one of these possible values : created, pending, payed , canceled
paymentUrl string The order payment url
returnUrl string The URL used to redirect the user after the first payment
string The leader dynamic receipt url
string The product url to which the participants can be redirected if they click on the main logo on the payment funnel (ex : event URL, product URL)
clientToken string The token that will be used for DaisyJs's handleOrderCreation function.
amount number The order amount (in cents)
currency string The order currency
language string The order user interface language
string A brief description of the order purpose
creationDate string The order creation date
string The order cancellation date

Create an order

  curl -X POST
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'Daisy-Secret-Key: {YOUR_SECRET_KEY}'
    -d '{
          "returnUrl" : "",
          "productUrl" : "",
          "clientToken" : "tok_kj7gsHGjsdhg6SHGhgshd54"
          "reason":"A trip to New York",
          "skipTutorial" : true,
          "leader" : {
            "name" : "Monica Geller",
            "amount" : 30000,
            "email" : "[email protected]"
          "participants" : [
              "name" : "Chandler Bing",
              "amount" : 30000
              "name" : "Rachel Green",
              "amount" : 30000
              "name" : "Joey Tribbiani",
              "amount" : 30000

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "6272814c-2ca5-421e-a7bc-e290db9d57e2",
    "reference": "C1S1X-I98CX23SS3-1MXS",
    "status": "created",
    "paymentUrl": "",
    "returnUrl" : "",
    "productUrl" : "",
    "receiptUrl" : null,
    "clientToken" : "tok_kj7gsHGjsdhg6SHGhgshd54",
    "amount": 120000,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "language": "fr",
    "reason" : "A trip to Paris",
    "creationDate": "2019-05-31T11:57:13+0200",
    "cancellationDate": null

This endpoint creates orders for a certain merchant application. This operation can also be performed via the DaisyJs plugin.

HTTP Request



string The order reference
number The order amount
string The ISO code of the order currency
string The URL used to redirect the user after the first payment
string The product url to which the participants can be redirected if they click on the main logo on the payment funnel (ex : event URL, product URL)
string A brief description of the order purpose
string The language of the payment link page. The possible values are : fr, en. Default is fr
boolean If set to true, the first tutorial page of the payment process will be ignored. Default is false
object The leader of the group payment. He represents the first person launching the group payment.
object[] The list of people participating to the group payment.

The leader object


string The leader's full name.
number The leader's contribution amount to the group order.
string The leader's email.

The participant object


string The participant's full name.
number The participant's contribution amount to the group order.

Retrieve a specific order

curl ""
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -H 'Daisy-Secret-Key: {YOUR_SECRET_KEY}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "e4a3c429-e52d-43ed-890a-78b86cf6fab7",
  "reference": "C1S1X-I98CX2KJS3-1MXS",
  "status": "payed",
  "paymentUrl": "",
  "returnUrl" : "",
  "receiptUrl": "",
  "productUrl" : "",
  "clientToken" : "tok_kj7gsHGjsdhg6SHGhgshd54",
  "amount": 120000,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "language": "fr",
  "skipTutorial": true,
  "reason": "A trip to Paris",
  "creationDate": "2019-05-31T17:54:27+0200"

Retrieves the order with the given ID.

HTTP Request


Path parameters

id string The order identifier : it could be the merchant reference or the Daisy identifier

Cancel a specific Order

curl ""
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -H 'Daisy-Secret-Key: {YOUR_SECRET_KEY}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "id": "e4a3c429-e52d-43ed-890a-78b86cf6fab7",
  "reference": "C1S1X-I98CX2KJS3-1MXS",
  "status": "canceled",
  "paymentUrl": "http://localhost:2053/purchase/e4a3c429-e52d-43ed-890a-78b86cf6fab7?lang=fr",
  "productUrl" : "",
  "receiptUrl": null,
  "amount": 120000,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "language": "fr",
  "skipTutorial": true,
  "reason": "A trip to Paris",
  "creationDate": "2019-05-31T17:54:27+0200"

Cancels an application order immediately. If one or many of the participants have already payed, their payments will be automatically refunded and an email notification will be sent to both the organizer and the participants related to the order if the silent flag is set to false.

HTTP Request


Path parameters

id string The order identifier : it could be the merchant reference or the Daisy identifier

Query parameters

silent boolean If set to true, the leader and the participants won't be notified about the order cancellation. The default value is false.


All of Daisy API errors share this same structure :

  "status": 400,
  "uri": "/orders",
  "errors": [
      "field": "reference",
      "message": "The specified order reference already exists."

Daisy API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error describing the problem with the provided information (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a duplicate order reference, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Daisy servers (these are rare).

The Daisy API can return these possible HTTP status codes:

Http codes

400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your Daisy-Secret-Key key is invalid.
404 Not Found -- Whether an endpoint or an order is not found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access an endpoint with the wrong method.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.


Daisy can send webhook events that notify your application any time an event happens on your merchant application. This is especially useful for events like payed orders and new subscribed users that are not triggered by a direct API request.

You can register new webhooks and attach events to them on the webhooks section in your application dashboard.

Webhook events

Daisy fires 4 different webhook events. The following table explains when each one is fired.


order.created Fires whenever an order is created on your merchant application.
order.payed Fires whenever an order is payed on your merchant application.
order.canceled Fires whenever an order is canceled on your merchant application .
user.subscribed Fires whenever a new participant accepts to communicate their information to the merchant.

Webhooks payload

Within every webhook event a JSON-encoded object is sent to the related registered endpoint in your application dashboard.

The webhook object contains three fixed attributes :


id string Contains the identifier of the event.
type string Contains the event type.
data object Contains the data associated to the event.

The data attribute could change with the event type. The following tables will explain how this attribute changes with the different events.

Events like order.created, order.payed, order.canceled

For the order.created, order.payed, order.canceled events, the webhook payload should look like this :

  "id": "dcfa1aaf-0ff0-4912-8556-93c1f2b48506",
  "data": {
    "id": "77ae3dab-4140-48d0-a857-c34843113616",
    "amount": 120000,
    "status": "created",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "reference": "C1S1X-I98CX23SS3-1MXS",
    "receiptUrl": "",
    "productUrl" : "",
    "creationDate": "2019-05-31T11:57:13+0200",
    "cancellationDate": null
  "type": "order.created"


id string The order identifier
reference string The order reference which is given by the merchant
status string The order status. It can have one of these possible values : created, pending, payed , canceled
amount number The order amount (in cents)
string The leader dynamic receipt url
string The product url to which the participants can be redirected if they click on the main logo on the payment funnel (ex : event URL, product URL)
currency string The order currency
creationDate string The order creation date
string The cancellation date of the order

Events like user.subscribed

For the user.subscribed event, the webhook payload should look like this :

  "id": "ac4af181-cc9c-4119-9c92-b2e7c3fbe52a",
  "data": {
    "id": "862d11a7-761f-4304-b9d1-3da82acbc7de",
    "ip": "2a01:e35:2f3d:7920:b855:1d6e:abc0:4f19",
    "name": "Rachel Green",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "order": {
      "id": "ccc192cf-1bfa-42a2-b65d-318e3771eb41",
      "amount": 120000,
      "status": "payed",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "reference": "C1S1X-I9812OKJS3-1MXS",
      "receiptUrl": "",
      "productUrl" : "",
      "creationDate": "2019-06-03T17:19:08+0200",
      "cancellationDate": null
    "device": "desktop",
    "ipCity": "New York",
    "payedShare": 32521,
    "ipCountryCode": "US"
  "type": "user.subscribed"


id string The user's identifier
name string The user's full name
email string The user's email
order object The related order. This object shares the same structure with the order.created, order.payed, order.canceled events
payedShare number The paid share by the user
device string The device used by the user to pay. This attribute can have one of these values : unknown, desktop, mobile, tablet
ip string The IP address from which the user paid
string The IP address city name if detected
string The IP address country code if detected

Webhook Signatures

Here is an example of the Daisy-Signature header :

Daisy-Signature: t=1559554856432,

Note that newlines have been added in the example above for clarity, but a real Daisy-Signature header will be all in one line.

Daisy signs the webhook events it sends to your endpoints. We do so by including a signature in each event Daisy-Signature header. This allows you to verify that the events were sent by Daisy, not by a third party.

The Daisy-Signature header contains a timestamp and one signature. The timestamp is prefixed by t=, and the signature is prefixed by a scheme. Schemes start with s.

Step 1: Extract the timestamp and signature from the header

Split the header, using the , character as the separator, to get a list of elements. Then split each element, using the = character as the separator, to get a prefix and value pair.

The value for the prefix t corresponds to the timestamp, and s corresponds to the signature.

Step 2: Prepare the signed_payload string

You achieve this by concatenating:

Step 3: Determine the expected signature

Compute an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function. Use the endpoint signing secret as the key, and use the signed_payload string as the message.

Step 4: Compare signatures

Compare the signature(s) in the header to the expected signature. If a signature matches, compute the difference between the current timestamp and the received timestamp, then decide if the difference is within your tolerance.

To protect against timing attacks, use a constant-time string comparison to compare the expected signature to each of the received signatures.